Difficult stiuation.

The Democratic Republic on Congo is a country that has come from a war torn past. A democratic government is now in place as a result of many years of fighting. As many as 5 million people have lost there lives in the fighting over the past 15 years. Creating what CNN News called one to the ten deadliest places on earth. Refuges from neighboring Rwanda have created an influx in population in the great lakes area of DRC creating social tension between the natives. This increase in population has forced quick building of structures for homes much of witch were destroyed or dreamed unsafe after the earthquake. Through many years of war the education level of the population of the region has declined or has not developed. Majority of the population are not aware of the affects of unsafe building practices nor are they aware of the geological processes that cause the seismic activity they are experiencing. Thus seismic and landside hazards are virtually unknown leading to increased risk and eventual increased injury and loss of life when catastrophic events such as this occur.

Town of Bukavu

The City of Bukavu before.

market in Bukavu

Market in Bukavu.


Home in Congo

Structural damage of home in Bukauv.


Affected area.

Earthquake damage

Local effects.

Congo Earthquake

On February 3, 2008 an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 shook the ground in the Lac Kivu Region in East Africa. The quake hit the border areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda’s Western Providence. The city of Bukavu was worst hit in Congo, having a death total of 5 and as many as 250 injuries. Assessments in the affected areas in the DRC found about 1,500 residential and public buildings were destroyed. The majority of this region uses two types of construction for public buildings and schools, unreinforced masonry and reinforced concrete frame. Buildings using unreinforced masonry suffered and buildings build pre 1950 suffered the major damage. Due to the economic situation of this area very few engineers are available for design of structures thus the quality of concrete materials design and construction techniques are variable and commonly poor.  An estimate of 12% of buildings will require partial or full demolition and 10% will require remedial work before they can be fully occupied. A landslide was triggered causing power outages. No deaths were associated with the land slide but several buildings were damaged. On a high note the town’s water supply was not interrupted nor did roads or bridges suffer sufficient damage.

A disaster of this magnitude exceeds the capacity of local organizations to respond and take care of injured. In response the World Health Organization provided medical assistance to those injured. The group Action by Churches Together International responded by providing plastic sheeting for roofs clothing, blankets, and helped with repairs to schools, houses and hospitals.

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