
The topic of this site is to discuss the Congo Earthquake that occurred on February 3, 2008. The purpose of this web blog is for completion of an assignment for CEE 4554 Natural Disaster Mitigation, at Virginia Tech for Professor Mauldon during the Spring Semester of 2008. Topics include general discussion of earthquake, social and economic  situation  effects on response.

3 Responses

  1. You need to post what your subtopic is under the about page and you need to talk about it. Also if you could find some pictures of the landslide or of some houses or buildings being destroyed in the earthquake that would be helpful.

  2. Jason –
    Subtopic needs to be identified in the about page (Societal aspect), and in a subheading (your discussion is OK). Links are good. More pics would help

  3. I have posted some more pics and added a subtopic.

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